- Read the passage for the day.
- Pray and ask God for wisdom in applying it to your life.
- Obey and write down one way to live it out in your life.
Ask these questions as you read the verses:
– Is there a (S.P.A.C.E.)
… Sin for me to confess?
… Promise for me to claim?
… Attitude for me to change?
… Command for me to obey?
… Example for me to follow?
Contributed by Cheryl Lee Sykes
“Promises from our Father”
1. Genesis 9:11-13
A flood will never again destroy all life.
2. Deuteronomy 7:9
God will love those who love him and keep his commands.
3. Joshua 21:45
The Lord fulfilled all of His promises to Israel.
4. 1 Kings 8:20
Solomon confirmed the Lord fulfilled all promises to him.
5. Psalm 23:4
The Lord is our Shepherd and is always with us for protection and comfort.
6. Psalm 55:22
The Lord sustains us and upholds the righteous.
7. Psalm 91:14
The Lord rescues and protects those that love Him and call him Lord.
8. Psalm 103:12-13
The Lord forgives our sins and removes them from us with compassion.
9. Proverbs 3:6
Those that acknowledge Him have his direction for a straight path.
10. Isaiah 43:2
The Lord is our Protector and Companion.
11. Jeremiah 30:17
The Lord restores health and heals wounds to his people.
12. Luke 6:38
God will bless those who give to others.
13. John 3:16
If you believe in the Son, you will have eternal life.
14. John 6:35-40
Jesus saves us and will come back for us.
15. John 11:25-26
Those who believe in Jesus will have eternal life.
16. Acts 2:38-39
God sends the Holy Spirit as a gift.
17. Romans 4:21
God has the power to do what He has promised.
18. Romans 8:28-39
Nothing can separate us from God and His love.
19. 1 Corinthians 2:9
God has made preparations for those who love Him.
20. Galatians 3:14
By our faith, we receive the promises of God.
21. Ephesians 2:8
Our salvation is a promised gift from God.
22. Philippians 4:7
God sends His peace.
23. 1 Timothy 4:8
Godliness holds promise for today and the future.
24. Hebrews 10:23
God is faithful.
25. Hebrews 13:6
The Lord promises to help and protect.
26. 26 James 4:7-8
God will come near to you and you come near to Him.
27. 2 Peter 1:3-5
God promises to give us all we need in our knowledge of Him.
28. 2 Peter 3:9
God is patient, waiting for our repentance and he promises to forgive.
29. 1 John 1:9
God will forgive and purify if we confess our sins.
30. Revelation 21:4
There will be no mourning or death in Heaven.
31. Revelation 22:20
Memory verse: Habakkuk 1:5